Our Mission Is Clear

Preparing for the Technological Singularity

We could argue if the Technological Singularity is even real. Many scientists have insisted that we cannot create anything smarter than us. Well, many things we take for granted today, were science fiction 50 years ago. The Technological Singularity may still be far away, but the catastrophe will not wait until the last second to happen. Many systems created by greedy corporations or military organizations, pursuing some specific agenda, may prematurely think they are smarter than us, and go rouge. Depending on how much control of our life they were given, imagine the level of catastrophe.

Our mission is to make sure the most advanced intelligence systems are created and controlled by large number of good people that have no vested interest other than the safety of humanity.

Our Goal

Create an organization with a sustainable structure governed by the PEOPLE.
Develop a system of checks and balances for the security of the information location and access.
Prepare guidelines and directives to lead the process of artificial intelligence creation and safe implementation into our life.
Start the development of a Super Intelligence with humanitarian qualities. Make intelligent robotic devices ready to assist humanity.
Set an example how technological progress can change the balance of work and life.